Top Shoe: Salvatore Ferragamo
Left Shoe: Dolce & Gabbana
Right Shoe: Common Projects
Now you can find patent shoes in almost every color, some being so bold (like the orange one's below) it would be impressive to see a person who could pull off an outfit that wouldn't leave them looking like a neon light bulb. It's great too because some shoes need that patent leather look to make them cool. The Common Projects high top sneaker above would not be as intriguing had it just been made of blue dyed leather. That extra shine gives it the pop that it needs to product worth paying for. The only downside to patent leather is the fact that it creases so easily and just might eventually crack after repeated use. But like all leather shoes it's inevitable so deal with it or don't go buy patent leather shoes.

Two Shoes By: Pierre Corthay
While i like the fact that dress shoes became readily available in patent leather options other than black, I especially loved that the sneaker industry embraced this concept so well. A well designed patent leather sneaker, to me, is just the best and I especially love wearing the pair that I own by Superga (pictured below). While being a sneaker and obviously going well with casual clothes, I feel like a patent leather version of any sneaker will only allow it to be more easily dressed-up. Don't get me wrong, I would never wear sneakers with a suit but dressed-up in the sense that you can pair them with some sharp jeans, a nice button-up and maybe a casual sport coat.
I also admire it when a women wears a sexy pair of patent leather pumps and since I don't give much love to my female followers I thought that I would add some pictures for all of you to appreciate.

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