Shoes At Very Top (Orange): Sutor Mantellassi
Clockwise From Top Left: Anthony Delos; Dimitri Bottier: Edward Green; Bontoni
What kills me about me writing this though is that I currently don't own one and I am feeling like such a big hypocrite writing these things. I used to own one but during my last two years of hiatus, I had to get rid of many things that weren't absolutely necessary. I recycled them, however, to my friend to keep the style living and set out on a quest to get one as soon as possible. What was great though, was that the same friend whom I gave them to also gave me something: a monk strap upper just waiting for me to turn it into a shoe. That being, the next pair of shoes that I make for myself will be a beige suede monk strap (only a tad darker than the one above by Dimitri) with a button and necessary hole as the fastener. Might be hard to imagine but you can bet that as soon as I go back to Europe (ETA Sept.) and make that shoe, I will post pictures immediately!!!

All Shoes Above By: John Lobb
Two companies seem to be keeping them alive though: John Lobb and Stefano Bemer. As you can tell by the pictures above and below, both companies have very unique and different styles yet it is clearly obvious that John Lobb's specialty is the double monk strap while Stefano Bemer's is the single monk strap. Not to say that both companies don't make beautiful shoes in the contrary design but it seems as their preferences lie clearly in the photos as well as in their websites. It's good to see that shoemakers are still making them even when it doesn't seem that many people are wearing them. Yet, while I think about it, maybe it is just boring-ass Americans who don't wear them because I now remember seeing them relatively often on the feet of men in Italy. Can't say that I see too many of them in England but I would not be surprised if they were more prevalent in France. Nevertheless they are still dwindling in sitings and it needs to turn around.

All Shoes Above By: Stefano Bemer
I hear so many men talk about how monk straps aren't dressy enough for work and this and that, but I think that it is all a load of bullshit and they either really don't like them, don't know how to wear them or are just plain pansies who are afraid to change from their norm! Whatever the case, its crap!! Monk straps are dressy enough to wear with the finest of suits and look great in work attire. In my opinion, a very nice monk strap is one of the most elegant shoes available second only to a beautiful wholecut oxford. People, get your shit together, as I will when I make my pair, and get yourself a nice beautiful monk strap shoe!!!!

Left Shoe: Koji Suzuki
Right Shoe: Santoni
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