One of the truest statements I ever heard before was from one of my high school friends who is currently a bed salesmen and tells his customers this: "There are two things that you should never go cheap on. One is your shoes and the other is your bed because if you are not using one you are using the other!" When I actually thought about it, he was dead on and I had never realized that. And now I cannot wait for the day that I can buy a memory foam mattress to have heavenly sleep on. The problem is that most other men don't think like this, but they should.
(For statements made down below I have added pics of nice shoes vs. cheap shoes just to show how easy it is to tell the difference. That same difference is just as noticeable when they are on your feet!)

Top Of Page Picture Courtesy Of: Leffot
Above Top Row: Left - Cheap Shoe; Right - Gaziano & Girling
Above Bottom Row: Left - Cheap Shoe; Right - Barker Black
I never understood why most men are willing to drop thousands of dollars (or pounds or euros) on a suit but right after go to a shoe department and not want to spend more than 200 dollars. They then look like an oaf because the intelligent eye can see the contrast between a Zegna suit and a China-made Hugo Boss or some Kurt Geiger shoe. Yet, it is always like this and I cannot comprehend why? I want to understand the point in history where it came to be that most men decided that shoes were the part of the wardrobe to go cheap on. You don't know how many times I have heard men say, "I would never spend 400 dollars on a pair of shoes," scoffing as they say it. What's funny is that most of those men were rich and could easily crap 400 dollars. And when I heard this I thought three things: 1. This guy is a cheap bastard, 2. He is a complete idiot and 3. He is sadly naive.

Above Top Row: Left - Cheap Shoe; Right - J.M. Weston
Above Bottom Row: Left - Cheap Shoe; Right - Lodger
You are only kidding yourself when you try to justify that shoes should not be something you spend wisely on.
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