I constantly get so jealous when I look through the pictures of shoes that Riccardo Bestetti has made. Not only because they are beautiful and I want them all but because his bespoke shoes are the closest thing in style, color, and detailing to what I see lacking in the shoe industry and what I hope to slowly but surely release into the world at non-bespoke prices. For instance, either on the those two whole cut loafers at the top, are something that I always felt was lacking yet I feel like they are such an elegant shoe that should be an option in the shoe stores. But they are not. They seem to only be an option if you are filthy rich and can afford to shell out 2000-3000 Euro/GBP/$ for a pair of shoes, which unfortunately only makes up around 1% of the population. So knowing that he is doing well and that people like his shoes gives me inspiration in knowing that when I make shoes (RTW) in similar styling, at a price that 50% of the population can afford, they too shall be well received!
Some Pictures Provided By: StyleForum

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