They probably do provide lots of comfortable cushion, but all of the claims that they make to fix this and fix that are just preposterous. I guess it's like the placebo affect. You get enough people believing what they are seeing and the outcome is realized more because of their belief than because of the actual product or what it is they are believing in. Where are the studies?? Where is the person who used to look like the hunch back of Notre Dame and now stands as straight as an iron board?? Where is this person, I want to see him/her?? I have to hand it to the business man/woman behind the idea though. They are geniuses!! Like Croc's and Tom's, they managed to create a butt-ass ugly product and turn it into a 100 million dollar business. My hat is definitely tipped off to them. But what makes me sad is the fact that all of these Americans are so easy to just jump on any old band wagon that they see everyone else jumping onto. Good thing there are not more people committing suicide by jumping off cliffs because as easily as the American population loves to follow what everyone else is doing we would have a drastic decline in the members of our society!

As you can see, they have managed to make this product out of almost every type of shoe there is: running shoes, casual shoes and sandals. The only thing lacking is an MBT or Shape Up dress shoe. For me it is pretty much blasphemy to even put those words in the same sentence but if I know a good business man/woman, then I know that that is what is going to be next. And I dread the day!!!!! If you happen to come across my blog, searching for MBT's or Skercher's Shape Up's, absorb what I have to say and truly think about why you want to buy this product. If it is because you like the looks or the idea of a ton of cushion, so be it, buy these hideous shoes!! But if it is because you think that it is going to allow you to "get more by having to do less," AKA cure your back pains and get a stronger back just by walking, then put on your common sense hat and use your brain a little! Don't be dumb people, please!! You really believe that Tom's is giving away one shoe to a kid in need for every one that is sold??? From a practical, mathematical and business standpoint, it is very unlikely that he continues to do so!! Use your brains........
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