1. Some Sort Of Boot

While #1 would appear to be extremely vague, I have no intentions telling all of the men in the world that they need just one style, so I leave it to you to decide which type of boot would appeal best to your clothing. For me, this Sebago boot (or shoe-boot) is just the thing that would enhance my wardrobe 5 times. There are already so many outfits that I can think of to create with the incorporation of this shoe into my wardrobe. This boot falls under that upcoming rugged category of shoe that is finding it's way onto the shelves of clothing stores across the nation. It seems to be a resurgence in that Red Wing-esque type of look although I personally believe that Sebago has taken this idea and enhanced it by leaving out the rugged sole and heaviness of the shoe. So whatever boot that you choose, make sure that it will fit into "your look" and wardrobe. If not you will find yourself stuck either needing to buy more clothes (which is fine if you can afford it) or having the dilemma of a shoe that does not match your clothes.
2. Dark Brown Suede Shoe

Left Shoes: Alden, photo compliments of Leather Soul
Right Shoes: Anthony Delos
Bottom Shoes: John Lobb
Whether it be a chukka boot, a leather soled loafer or a full on dress style, every man needs a dark brown suede shoe in their autumn line up! Contrary to what you may think about suede, a dark brown suede shoe is a must have for the autumn season, even if it rains every day. Like I have said before, if you protect your shoes right by using the proper applications and by avoiding heavy puddles and extra rainy days, your suede will be able to manage through a wet season and give your autumn outfits some extra depth. While autumn does bring it's fair share of intriguing outfits, it also brings an abundance of monotone inspired outfits. What's great about a dark brown suede shoe is that it's color and texture make for a great compliment to the many fabrics and colors that you see being offered each year for the autumn/winter collections within the clothing side of things.
3.Gray Sneaker

Left Shoes: Gourmet
Right Shoes: A.P.C.
A gray sneaker is a must-have period!! It goes great during every season. It just goes best in the autumn. Like the brown suede, a medium gray really compliments the colors of clothing being offered in autumn/winter. When you think about it, there is really no color that a gray cannot compliment. You can even wear different color grays within your outfit and as long as you don't go overboard on the amount of different shades, it can look great! It's such an easy thing to overlook but once you have a gray shoe in your collection, you will notice just how often you go to reach for it since it's versatility is limitless!! I have added a couple pictures above as well as added a picture of the pair that I wear, here. Another nice option is on the post below by John Lobb. So really folks, if you don't have a gray sneaker yet, go find yourself one!! You will thank me later.
4. A Black Dress Shoe

Left Shoes: Gaziano & Girling
Right Shoes: Vass
Considering the weather is usually at it's worst (in terms of wetness) during the autumn, a nice black dress shoe is an essential piece in the working man's closet. Being able to hide wear and tear on a black shoe is much easier than on a tan or light colored shoe. Rain spots don't tend to show as easily and it is next to impossible to darken a black shoe from excessive water exposure. So when you start breaking out your gray and black suits for the autumn, it only makes sense to have a staple black shoe that you can pair them with. Even better would be to have two pair, that way you can rotate them and let each one breath for at least a day. If you have one that's slightly more casual, say a derby or a wingtip, then it also makes for an easy transitional shoe coming from work to going out on the town.
That being said, if you pack away your summer wardrobe to make way for your autumn pieces, make sure that you have at least these four essentials and you will be set for your shoes! And if you are lacking in one or maybe two, then it's time to start investing!!!
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