Why is it that we are so afraid of wearing a little color? Most people have a favorite color and I guarantee that it is not black or brown. I understand that many people have a strict dress code that they have to adhere to but come on, lets bend the rules every now and then!
Working in the fashion industry, I have heard countless negative remarks and seen many smirks from gentlemen who wouldn't dare go outside the safe zone of black, brown and burgundy colored shoes. So many frown upon others that dare to be adventurous with their color palette. It is funny though because on the contrary, when I have worn those teal-colored shoes to the right of the page, I have had so many compliments, even from the same people who would have secretly judged me. This leads me to believe that deep down most men want to jump out of their skin and try something new but hold back for fear of what might be perceived of them. Many wives have seen me with those shoes and tell me, "Gosh I wish my husband would wear something like that. He would like to but he just can't pull it off." Sure he can!! If I can do it, then so can you! Guys, we just need a little more self confidence. I mean, look at Paul Smith. He is a older gentleman (one that if you did not know, you would never think that he does what he does) but pulls off the most extravagant and colorful outfits in such a non-nonchalant and cool manner. He is the epitome of great style. We all have the potential to do this too!

(2 Shoes by
Pierre Corthay)
For example, take this beautiful shoe (above left) by Pierre Corthay. It is of deep green and brownish hints. It is a beautiful color that is quite versatile and also quite conservative yet the average man would never think to wear it. The color goes quite well with navy, gray, khaki and could possibly even work with black trousers as well (if left in a tight pinch). So why is it that a nice color like this would go overlooked by so many when it can adapt to your wardrobe so easily. Think about it! The next time you see a shoe that comes in a color outside of the 3 norms and you like it and want to buy it, just do it! I guarantee that once you receive all of the compliments that you will receive, you will be happy that you took the leap.