Shoes: Salvatore Ferragamo "Fausto"
There is something about a blue suede shoe that just speaks to me. Maybe it's because my favorite color is blue, maybe it's because they are rarely found or maybe it's because in suede, blue looks better on a shoe? While I am not sure why I am so gravitated towards them, I do know that there is nothing quite like them. It would seem that I am obviously not the only person that has had such an infatuation with them considering that this style of shoe not only influenced the title and lyrics of a song, but one in fact that is still known around the world today and is in the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame. And yet while the idea of a blue suede shoe is so famously known they are still so hard to come by, the good one's at least. Considering that dark blue is not a loud nor gaudy color, I would think that such a shoe would be in the seasonal collections of shoe companies, year after year. But of course, that would be asking too much!!

Top Row (L to R): Alden (Picture Courtesy of Leather Soul), Oliver Sweeney
Bottom Row (Both): Opening Ceremony
The best thing about blue suede shoes is that they look absolutely amazing when worn casually, even if it is a suit, I would more wear it with either a nice slim-fit pair of dark denim jeans or a casual, non-creased khaki-colored pair of pants. Because of this, you are more likely to see shoe companies making blue suede shoes in either a 'buck' style or a laced boot (like a chukka or something similar the the Alden above), styles that you tend to wear more casually. While these options are nice, I much prefer to see a blue suede shoe in a dress form like that Ferragamo or the Corthay below. The aesthetic pleasure of pairing a blue suede (that is usually seen as casual) and a elegant dress model of shoe, creates a liking that for me is indescribable. The same shoe by Corthay, if made in calfskin, would still be extremely beautiful yet would not capture in the same way that it's suede counterpart seems to.

Top Row (L to R): Pierre Corthay (Picture Courtesy of Leffot), Stefano Bemer
Bottom Row (Both): Paul Smith
As I just noticed myself from writing this post, there seems to be a common trend in the styles of shoe that a company will make blue suede shoes: 1. Plain-toe derby buck's or chukka's 2. Wingtip oxfords (closed lacing) and 3. Penny loafers. Obviously you have your risk takers, like Ferragamo, who will make it in another completely different style but yet you see that they still used the wingtip influence. Come to think of it, I am not sure if I have every seen a blue suede apron or cap toe. Have you?? If so, send me a picture!! Either way, this now gives me incentive to create one and make a pair for myself and possibly even add a crepe sole to see how that looks. But anyway, if you are an avid lover of shoes and find yourself without a pair of blue suede shoes, then you know what I am going to say next: GO BUY A PAIR!

Left: John Lobb
Right: Alberto Fasciani
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