I finally found a company that did exactly what I think every company should do: make a great model and offer it in 6 different colors, because really, who just wants black or brown? Thank you Oliver Sweeney!! This model called, "Orate," is a great example of a classic style touched by a modern twist. A beautiful whole-cut, decorated with perforations and a good amount of burnishing. Simple yet sweet! Why don't more companies think like this?? In reality, I know why!! They don't want to take the risk of not selling the other colors. How lame.....get some better salesman!! That's one thing I love about British companies, they have the balls to produce some crazy, bold and unique stuff. And if only the money tree in my backyard had not had all of it's bills blown off by these strong Brighton winds, I would buy all six of these color options!! Guess, I will just have to save up. On another note, for those curious, I heard that these were available at select Saks Fifth Ave around the States but if not you can find them online or all around England, for whenever you get a chance to pop over!

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